Portfolio Tag: Camaro Laranja

Camaro SS V8 Metallic Orange.

Camaro SS V8 Metallic Orange. Hello guys. Today another Camaro passing here by OVERSIGN. This time a model 2011, model SS V8 of 405 CV, the car has the original color of its body Orange metallic, for being a dark shade of orange it ends, depending on the angle, turning red. Our customer came to our store, and...
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Camaro SS 2014 Orange Gold Pearl

Camaro SS 2014 Orange Gold Pearl. Hey guys. Today more a Chevrolet Camaro, now this 2014. The car arrived here in our yellow shop with the black bands, a job we had done a year ago. The color chosen by our client was Orange. At the meeting that Vannucchi had with him, he presented the orange shades that OVERSIGN has...
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Camaro Laranja, envelopamento liquido.

Olá pessoal. Hoje como é o primeiro carro do ano de 2014, nós da OVERSIGN temos o prazer de mostrar mais um belo trabalho, realizado por nossa equipe. O carro dessa vez foi mais um Camaro, ao todo a OVERSIGN ja fez 4 Camaros, esse era prata, e fizemos Laranja, com o Power Revest da Imprimax....
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